Thursday, 29 April 2010

Chez Moi

Sometimes I hate my house. I hate the old windows that let the cold in. I hate the fact there are cracks in places I cant ignore. I hate that no room is properly finished. I hate that the poor excuse for a garden is just a patch of mud in the winter. But on sunny days I love my house. I love all the windows that let the light stream in. I love the fact that no other house is like it. I love the huge tree that blossoms every spring. On days like these I wish I worked from home, rather than in a dated council building on the A50....

The spy that loved him

I am glad that I am good friends with my teenage son's older teenage half sister.
I am glad that when I thought something wasn't right with my teenage son I was able to talk to my teenage son's older teenage half sister.
I am glad that my teenage son's older teenage half sister was able to find out loads of stuff about my teenage son's new 'friend'.
I am glad that my teenage son's older teenage half sister was able to tell me everything she found out.
I am glad that I was able to talk my teenage son about the things his older teenage half sister told me.
I am glad that my teenager son's older teenage half sister was able to tell my teenage son that she just cared about him and didn't want him to grow up too quickly and I am glad that she told him she loved him.
I am glad that my teenage son was able to tell his older teenage half sister that he knew and he was able to say thanks and I am glad that he told his sister that he loved her too.

Monday, 19 April 2010

Songs that make me

AKA story of my life in songs

My mum used to sing this to me when I was baby, then when I heard it again when I was like 9 or 10 or whatever it sounded really familiar and so obviously that was why. I tried singing it to my son when he was baby too but I have such a bad singing voice I probably traumatized him for life instead!

We used to sing this song at christian camp! Over and over and over again. We sang it to the boys and changed the words so that it was about them. I don't think they were too impressed.

I just used to love this song - Its like the only song I know all the words to. (How ironic!)

This reminds me of being 14/15. I think I snogged my first boyfriend to this song in my garage.

Ok, this is the song I got married to. I didn't care who was I was marrying. In my head I was Charlene Robinson!

My ex was like really into heavy metal so when I left part of my rebelious phase was to go out to clubs he'd hate and dance to music he'd hate. This was my personal fave.

I've only been dumped once in my life. We'd been going out for about 5 months. I didn't even like him that much at the time but I found being dumped pretty difficult and I was kinda intense! I listened to this song a lot as I wallowed in self pity!

I love this song cos it reminds me of a time when my son was a baby and his breath smelled of milk! When my brother was in hospital last year I'd make him sing this with me every time I visited him and I'd pretend we were gonna audition for the X-factor! We never did make X-factor but a while ago my brother had to give video evidence for the police - It's a long story but basically at one point they had to go out the room but they left the camera rolling so we did our X-factor piece - y'know just in case they wanted to send it on. One day it'll turn up on You've Been Framed or something....

Saturday, 17 April 2010

The start

This was the conversation in my car twenty minutes ago:

Son's new friend: Do you want to come to the park with us later?
Son: I can't I'm doing something today.
Son's new friend: I usually go with this girl that lives next door - She's really good at football.
Son: Oh maybe I will come. What time shall I meet you?

Oh dear....It all starts here!

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Swear box

So anyway, there's this woman at work who is like ancient. She's so old she's developed this like old person's tourette's. It's quite amusing. I sat next to her today as she cursed her way through the morning. I can't believe your language I eventually said to her. We should have a swear box on your desk a colleague suggested. Beer money we decided.

D: 50p for a bollox
A: 10p a shit
me: 75p a fu....
Oh My God - That so didn't sound like that in my head!

Everyone looked at me horrified....before digging into their pockets for spare change to work out what they could get for their money.

I swear, if I get in work tomorrow morning and find piles of 75p on my desk I will not be amused...

Saturday, 10 April 2010

I love summer

 I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer I love summer.

Really wanted to spend the whole day like this:

(this was actually a picture of a dead mouse we found but it didn't come out too well)

But my son has coursework to do so most of the day was spent like this......(hmmph - the things we do for our kids!)

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Thelma and Louise avec kids

By day we drove through rainbows, collected shells, slipped on sea weed, kissed crabs, climbed 198 steps and sailed a pirate ship. By night we drank wine and gin and put the world to rights, created our own religion, moaned about men and planned idyllic futures, or least the houses we wanted to live in....Fun had by all....till next time....

Friday, 2 April 2010

Good friends - old and new

Last night I said goodbye to one of my bestest friends - She's off travelling for 18 months and I don't know how I'm gonna cope without her.  We met about 8 years ago, out for a friends birthday. James's song 'Sit Down' came on and we both clambered up on to the tables so that we could dance and then jump off the table at each "Sit down' line. We knew at that point we would be friends for a long time. When people ask how we met we just say dancing on tables!

Tonight my new friend is coming over and we are all going away on a little adventure. It feels like Thelma and Louise except with kids (and without killing anyone)! I first met her about 12 years ago. I remember being in a little hippy shop in town with her and that song came on;

'You've done too much, much too young, you're married with a kid when you should be having fun....'

...and we just looked at each. I dont know if she was thinking the same as me but it felt like she was. I will always remember that moment. It was the first time I'd been allowed to go into town on my own for a long while. A lot has happened since. Recently, we became friends again. We have even more in common now, namely the father of our children! Maybe she lost sight if those lyrcs for while but you can only look forward, and I'm pretty sure fun will be a strong feature.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

When will I will I be famous?

Next week I will hand in the last ever essay in my life. I am never ever studying again.

I know I've said it before but I mean it this time. If you ever hear me say I'm thinking about doing a course please shoot me. Honestly I want you to... like don't kill me or anything but make sure it hurts.

So today I finally made myself start working on this bloody essay. I did eventually get into it but my boyf came in from work and found the house was a complete state and I'd missed my doctors appointment. He wasn't happy.

'But I'm trying to write an essay in two days that would usually take me a month to do!!!' I shouted at him,

'So why haven't you been doing it in the last month?!!' he shouted back,

I hate not having an answer.

'So what course are you doing next then?' he asked when we'd both calmed down
'That's it, no more, ever'
'Till next time, I don't know why you keep doing it if you don't like studying'
'I like having qualifications and I like learning, I just don't like doing the work', That summed it up quite well I thought. 'You know what I want? One of those honorary degrees like famous people get''
'And they don't have to do anything?'
'Nope, just be famous. Sue Townsend's got one'
'So what are you gonna be famous for? Murdering your boyfriend?' he asked,
'You don't get a degree for that - I'm serious. I could be famous if I wanted to'
'Well, I wouldn't pin your hopes on it, oh, when you rearrange that appointment at the docs-you should maybe speak to them about delusions of grandeur too'

My son walked in. My trusting son. Always on my side. 'You believe I'll be famous one day don't you?'
'Yes Mum' he said.... 'for having the biggest bum in the world'
My boyfriend sniggered
Y'know suddenly the boyfriend murderer thing doesn't seem that unlikely.....the degree will just be a bonus.