Saturday, 1 May 2010

Most Improved Child

My son got his statistics coursework back yesterday. One mark off an A - not bad for what looked to me like an illegible piece of work! Now I just need to make sure he revises for the exam next month...and learns how not to write 6's that look like 8's.

It was also his football presentation evening yesterday. I was chatting to my work husband about it at work. The worst trophy you can get is 'most improved' he said, cos that basically just means you used to be a bit rubbish.

I sat clapping with the other mums as each boy collected their trophy and had their 2 seconds of fame and each coach showed off their presentation skills with the occasional rap or break dance or crap joke. Just as I was working out how I could sneak out for a wee I heard......"something just clicked with this player half way through the season and since then he's been the trophy for most improved player goes to...."

I watched my son's face light up as his name was called out.


I texted my work husband "how embarrassing"
"Oh well, better luck next year" he replied!

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